Saturday, March 1, 2008

Expat meme list

Name 5 things you love in your new country
(besides my husband...)
:: gelato
:: fashion
:: design
:: fresh food & produce
:: art & architecture

Name 4 things that you miss from your native country
:: family
:: friends
:: 24 hour grocery stores
:: good deodorant

Name 3 things that annoy you a bit (or alot) in your new country
:: Italians not understanding how to form a line..although they are making progress with automatic ticket machines becoming more common in public offices and banks
:: dog owners not cleaning up after their cani leave "gifts" on the sidewalks...pooper-scoopers are hardly used on the streets of Rome!
:: terrible parking habits of Roman drivers

Name 2 things that surprise you (or have surprised you in the beginning) in your new country:
:: lack of customer service
:: existence of over 16 political parties

Name 1 thing you would terribly miss in your new country, if you had to leave it:
:: il mare.. the seaside

Grazie mille to bleeding espresso for the idea to generate this meme list...

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